O našem Podjetju
Podjetje Exclusive Motorcycles d.o.o. je bilo ustanovljeno 2017 z namenom razvoja, izdelave in prodaje ekskluzivnih motornih koles.
V posamezne segmente je vključenih več podjetji – specialistov. Naš namen je zadovoljiti želje najbolj petične stranke in združiti ekstravagantno formo z vrhunsko tehniko.

Naši projekti

Razvojno ime k200 opisuje električni motocikel, ki bo popolnoma legalen proizvod in ga bo moč registrirati sprva v evropskih državah nato po prioritetah še drugje.
Pri lastnostih tega motocikla se pogovarjamo samo o superlativih. Materiali mehansko funkcijskih elementov so iz pretežno specialnih aluminijev, oklepi in forme so iz kompozitnih vlaken.
Kontrola dostopa se izvede preko prstnega odtisa, vse informacije o vozilu pa nam sporoča ekran na dotik. Vozniku poleg zelo zmogljivega pogonskega paketa motocikel ponuja tudi najnaprednejše tehnologije.
K200 je motocikel, ki izkazuje svoj značaj, ima še vedno obliko motocikla, a hkrati vsak detajl sporoča, da je nekaj več.
Tehnične lastnosti
medosna razdalja: 1900 mm
dimenzije koles: spredaj 130/60/23, zadaj 260/35/21
baterijski paket: 30 kW/h
navor: 1500 Nm
največja hitrost: 200 km/h
pospešek: 2,8 s do 100 km/h
Domet po WLTP: 500 km
Polnjenje; vtičnica Type 2 (20 kW) cca 1,5 h!
Mehanske specifike
"In-wheel" pogon
mono nihajka
vodno hlajen pogonski in baterijski sklop
radialne čeljusti
vsi aluminijasti deli so "billet"
Programerske specifike
sistem za nadziranje zdrsa pogonskega kolesa pri pospeševanju
zaviranje z regeneracijo
watch dog
klic v sili
črna skrinjica
15 ekran na dotik
prstni odtis
navigacija, medija predvajalnik,...
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Razvojno ime k200 opisuje električni motocikel, ki bo popolnoma legalen proizvod in ga bo moč registrirati sprva v evropskih državah nato po prioritetah še drugje.
Pri lastnostih tega motocikla se pogovarjamo samo o superlativih. Materiali mehansko funkcijskih elementov so iz pretežno specialnih aluminijev, oklepi in forme so iz kompozitnih vlaken.
Kontrola dostopa se izvede preko prstnega odtisa, vse informacije o vozilu pa nam sporoča ekran na dotik. Vozniku poleg zelo zmogljivega pogonskega paketa motocikel ponuja tudi najnaprednejše tehnologije.
K200 je motocikel, ki izkazuje svoj značaj, ima še vedno obliko motocikla, a hkrati vsak detajl sporoča, da je nekaj več.
Tehnične lastnosti
medosna razdalja: 1900 mm
dimenzije koles: spredaj 130/60/23, zadaj 260/35/21
baterijski paket: 30 kW/h
navor: 1500 Nm
največja hitrost: 200 km/h
pospešek: 2,8 s do 100 km/h
Domet po WLTP: 500 km
Polnjenje; vtičnica Type 2 (20 kW) cca 1,5 h!
Mehanske specifike
“In-wheel” pogon
mono nihajka
vodno hlajen pogonski in baterijski sklop
radialne čeljusti
vsi aluminijasti deli so “billet”
Programerske specifike
sistem za nadziranje zdrsa pogonskega kolesa pri pospeševanju
zaviranje z regeneracijo
watch dog
klic v sili
črna skrinjica
15 ekran na dotik
prstni odtis
navigacija, medija predvajalnik,…
Our story
Club history

The McCook Outlaws Motorcycle Club
The McCook Outlaws Motorcycle Club was established out of Matilda`s Bar on old Route 66 in McCook, Illinois, just outside of Chicago.
Although the Club stayed together their activities had been limited during World War II. In May of 1946, the first major post-war motorcycle event was held at Soldier Field in Chicago.
With new members coming from all over the Chicago area, the Club was growing in size from its early beginnings of 1935. Moving out of McCook and re-establishing itself in Chicago, the club decided to change its name.
The “McCook Outlaws” became The “Chicago Outlaws”. The club logo also underwent a change; a small skull replaced the winged motorcycle .
Although the Club stayed together their activities had been limited during World War II. In May of 1946, the first major post-war motorcycle event was held at Soldier Field in Chicago.
With new members coming from all over the Chicago area, the Club was growing in size from its early beginnings of 1935. Moving out of McCook and re-establishing itself in Chicago, the club decided to change its name.
The “McCook Outlaws” became The “Chicago Outlaws”. The club logo also underwent a change; a small skull replaced the winged motorcycle .
A set of Crossed Pistons
A set of Crossed Pistons were added to the small skull. This time the design was embroidered on black western style shirts with white piping.
The Skull and Crossed Pistons were redesigned, making them much larger with more detail.
The AMA (American Motorcycle Association) that supervises all official races in the USA, banned the word Outlaws from all race clothing. Club members who raced adapted and wore an “OMC” on their outfits till 1963.
The Outlaws became the first true 1%er Club east of the Mississippi.
On the 4th of July, the “Gipsy Outlaws” from Milwaukee became the second chapter to join the club.
The first chapter outside the USA
In July, 1967, the “Outlaws” National President and a few more members went down from Chicago, and sanctioned the first chapter in Florida.
“God forgives, Outlaws don't“ became the club's motto.
The first chapter outside the USA was formed in Canada. The “Satan's Choice” became “Outlaws”.
For the first time a member not belonging to the Mother chapter became “National President”.
The abbreviation “MC” was added to the backpatch.
France became the first European chapter.
Formerly independent, the “Australian Outlaws” joined the AOA. The “MC 44” from France became a chapter. The bottom rocker on their backpatch read “Europe”.
The Chicago chapter had grown
The Chicago chapter had grown and is split into three groups: the Mother Chapter (Southside), Westside and Northside. Norway became the second European chapter.
The Belgian “Outlaws MC”, already existing independently for 25 years, became a member of the AOA.
14 chapters of the English and welsh “Outlaws MC“, until then an independent MC, joined the AOA. Later that year Norway was added as the first Scandinavian chapter.
With new chapters in Ireland and Jersey, a country off the English coast, the club began to expand. In Germany the “Ghost Riders MC” joined the AOA.
The Belgian “Outlaws MC”, already existing independently for 25 years, became a member of the AOA.
14 chapters of the English and welsh “Outlaws MC“, until then an independent MC, joined the AOA. Later that year Norway was added as the first Scandinavian chapter.
With new chapters in Ireland and Jersey, a country off the English coast, the club began to expand. In Germany the “Ghost Riders MC” joined the AOA.
Original Mustang Shop Tour
The first Asian chapter was established in Thailand and Sweden became the second Scandinavian chapter.
Germany started the first official Support MC of the AOA Nation. The new “Black Pistons MC” soon appeared in other countries: the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Poland and Norway for starters. The AOA expanded again, this time with new chapters in Italy and Poland.
The “Outlaws MC” had grown to hold a presence in 19 states of the USA. The French “MC Drome” came over and joined the AOA.
At the end of 2004, the AOA started its first prospective chapter in Russia.
Germany started the first official Support MC of the AOA Nation. The new “Black Pistons MC” soon appeared in other countries: the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Poland and Norway for starters. The AOA expanded again, this time with new chapters in Italy and Poland.
The “Outlaws MC” had grown to hold a presence in 19 states of the USA. The French “MC Drome” came over and joined the AOA.
At the end of 2004, the AOA started its first prospective chapter in Russia.
The Outlaws MC World
The Outlaws MC World celebrated its 70th Anniversary as a Motorcycle Club and the 40th Anniversary as the AOA. In June Charlie landed in Russia, as the chapter received full membership Status.
The end of 2006 marked the AOA starting its first chapter in Japan.
Asia grew again, with the first chapter in Philippines starting in March.
The A.O.A. starts a chapter in Spain, in January.
The A.O.A. starts a chapter in Serbia and Austria.
The A.O.A. starts a chapter in Switzerland and Czechia.
Biking & Brotherhood since 1935. The Outlaws MC World celebrate 2015 the 80th Anniversary as a Motorcycle Club and 50th Anniversary as the AOA (Outlaws Nation)
The end of 2006 marked the AOA starting its first chapter in Japan.
Asia grew again, with the first chapter in Philippines starting in March.
The A.O.A. starts a chapter in Spain, in January.
The A.O.A. starts a chapter in Serbia and Austria.
The A.O.A. starts a chapter in Switzerland and Czechia.
Biking & Brotherhood since 1935. The Outlaws MC World celebrate 2015 the 80th Anniversary as a Motorcycle Club and 50th Anniversary as the AOA (Outlaws Nation)